Thursday, July 30, 2009

What is Kiruv?

When Hashem (G-d) looks at Israel, what He is hoping to find is that Jews are obeying the laws of the Torah, -- Shabbat, Brit Milah, Kashrut, studying Torah, etc. If we are not doing those things, all the technology in the world will not help us achieve worth as Jews and will not protect our Jewish communities. My mother used to say that the non Jew only has respect for Jews who keep the Torah. If that is true, is it really any wonder that the state of Israel has so many enemies?

In the last half century and even before WWII, we lost as many Jewish people to assimilation as we have brought back since. But there is a movement towards looking at what has given us success and using it to improve our communities, to instill life and Torah into the life of our young people and to encourage and inspire those going away to journey back to their Jewish identity and to Torah.

I have met Jewish people who are lost to the Jewish people because their parents who survived the Holocaust kept their Jewish identity from them. These people grew up and married non Jews and they do not have any connection with Jewish community. It is in this way that some
Jews have continued Hitler's work for him even after his death. The Holocaust never ended. We are still fighting it. The Jews who are fighting it are in many places. Their work is called Kiruv.
The word root KRV means to bring close. A related word, Korban, is a sacrifice, but it means doing something that brings one close to Hashem.