Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Is sexuality part of our humanity? (from Chris Vaughan)

Just because we are human does not mean that sexuality is somehow separate from us. Adam and Eve were given sexuality as part of their physical being. “Male and female He created them.”

We humans were never meant to refrain from experiencing and enjoying our sexuality. The first commandment given to Adam is to be fruitful and multiply.

In Judaism, it is not a sin to stay single, but one is considered to have been “punished” if he has no children. No children are the consequence of not having a mate with whom to be sexual.

Priests in Christianity have traditionally been celibate, a state that has disturbed Jews, because it is considered a defiance of God’s charge to Adam and Eve to have children. Being sexual is part of our nature. To be celibate might appear to some to be an objection to nature.

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