Sunday, August 9, 2009

Is that line “sticks and stone’s…words will never hurt me” a Jewish value? What is the Jewish Value?

I don't know where a lot of those childhood rhymes we learn come from. A Jewish child was in my house and found some money I had dropped on the floor and not bothered to pick up. She said to me, "Finders keepers, loosers weepers." I told her that finding and taking anything in someone's house is stealing; I took the money away from her.

I suspect that her mother didn't teach her about theft, because twice, in my house, her mother took something of mine without asking me and gave it to someone else. She didn't think she was wrong because she didn't see any value to the things she gave away. That they were mine meant nothing to her.

I once watched as a Jewish woman picked up some money on the street. The man who had lost it was coming towards her, not seeing her but counting the money he was holding, clearly upset to be missing something. She put the money into her pocket and did not give it to him. These women were both unschooled in Judaism. One would never be schooled and the other woman was new to Torah Judaism.

As for words, not only can words hurt, they can kill. They have killed and even resulted in suicide; and in fact, we have recently had teen suicides in the news as a result of cyber bullying. One of those bullies turned out to be an adult, a mother--an example of how immature and dangerous some adults are. Sometimes, we say things that we think are constructive, but we hurt the people we think we are helping. We call this inappropriate use of words "lashon hara." There are various forms of it. When our words hurt others, we call that "Ona'at devorim."
We Jews try to learn not to be using our words this way. We are all of us sometimes guilty of using words that hurt others, hurt ourselves or cause embarrassment. We have to be careful not to repeat such mistakes. We can only do that if we keep learning and try to be the best we can be.

Speaking of values, those two lines remind me of another line: "Might is right." That is a value that is also opposed to Judaism. Might is right is the value of the ancient Romans, the more recent Nazis and the present day radical Muslims.

In contrast, the Jewish value is Justice is right. Having a Jewish homeland could only be possible if there is always a Jewish army. That does not mean that might is right in Israel today. But rarely if at all has Israel been the aggressor. True, those who settled overnight in the territories that were the homelands of non Jews for generations have trespassed on other's rights. For this reason, the move of the Israeli government to oust them is just.

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